Thursday, January 10, 2008

My XAT Essay

[Somethings in life are so momentous that you have to write about them. But then there are also others so blatantly idiotic that you have to do them justice. Last Sunday, I for some god-forsaken reason decided to actually go for my XAT exam. After an exceptionally bad objective section, it turned out that the torture hadn't quite ended. Wonder of wonders, they wanted an essay too. While I was cursing my misfortune & the powers-to-be, I took a look at the subject.]

Consequences of Gender Imbalance - Third World War
[Some may be thinking the same thought was my instinctive first. "WHAT THE [bleep]??!!!" After a few more minutes of inventing swear words, my initial action was to do nothing, a figurative stick-it-to-them, that I will not stoop to their level. Moments later, I thought, why the hell not. If its ludicrous, whatever they do, I can do better. Unfortunately, post-XAT I got to know that if you don't make it to the interview your essay equals toilet paper. So, without further ado, in all its glory I present to you my literary masterpiece. N.B. There wasn't much space on the answer sheet so I couldn't do full justice to this wonderful topic.]

At first this may seem like the plot of a C-grade Hollywood sci-fi movie. But on second thoughts, this is not as implausible as it may sound. Imagine a scenario, so far in the future that a gender has been reduced to but a handful. It seems pretty possible when you give it a thought.

Gender imbalance may lead us to a scenario where women are so few in number that they are like a precious resource, which has to be protected, traded & when need be defended with a nations full might. Why, aren't wars fought over precious metals (Uranium, Plutonium) and Oil. Iraq is a recent example for all to see. Replace one resource with the other & you have your Third World War. But why limit our imbalance to women, the other scenario where men die out is equally plausible. It could come about from, say, a gender-specific virus in the future that attacks only men.

Regardless of what you may think, I believe this to be possible. There is even historical precedent for this. Who can forget Helen of Troy, over who one of Ancient Greece's most bloody wars was fought & entire cities annihilated. Is it not possible that tomorrow's war would be fought over not the most beautiful women in the world, but the last woman in the world? (Or man)

[I kid you not ladies and gentlemen, this is what I've written almost to the letter with no beautification/editing done while putting it down into the blog (Except maybe for the punctuation.). By the way, the men-only virus is an actual C-grade hollywood sci-fi movie that I happened to catch on a boring afternoon. Thanks to Warner Bros. for Troy. Who says TV isn't educational?? Also please note my impartiality towards gender, every appropriate place has scenarios for men as well.]


Venkster said...

Well full points for imagination (bordering on psychosis) at least :D...

Puppet said...

my initial action was to do nothing,
I assume outta shock...

See I am sure you are glad tht it is toilet paper... For all the essays that actually land up in the interview round are nothin but pure crap... You didnt make it to the interview did ya??

Sidharth said...

No man, obviously not... Even if I did make it & they happened to read the piece of crap I'd passed off as an essay, they would've tossed me out on my ass.

Puppet said...

Well then you underestimate humor but it aint humor if it aint funny to the listener..

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